• Creating the HTML Structure:

    • Start with an HTML boilerplate (<!DOCTYPE html>).
    • What does this declaration signify?
    • Create a head section with title.
    • Create the body section.
    • Inside the <body> tag, create an <h1> heading that says "My First Webpage".
    • What tag did you use for the heading?
  • Adding Paragraphs:

    • Below the <h1> heading, add a paragraph that introduces yourself. Use the <p> tag.
    • How would you add another paragraph below this one?
  • Using Lists:

    • Create an unordered list (<ul>) with at least three items that list your favorite hobbies inside another p tag.
    • What tag would you use for each list item?
    • Next, create an ordered list (<ol>) with three steps to achieve a personal goal of yours.
    • How does the structure of an ordered list differ from an unordered list?
  • Saving and Naming Your File:

    • Save your file with an appropriate name like index.html.
    • Why is it important to use the .html extension?
  • Viewing Your Webpage:

    • Open your saved index.html file in a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
    • What do you see displayed in the browser window?
  • Enhancing Your Webpage (Optional):

    • Experiment with changing the text inside the <h1> heading or adding more paragraphs and lists.
    • How would you modify the HTML code to reflect these changes?
  • Reflecting on Your Learning:

    • What was the most challenging aspect of creating your first webpage?
    • How did you solve any issues you encountered?
    • Describe one thing you learned about HTML from this exercise that you didn’t know before.
  • Section 2 Quiz

    • Introduction to Web Development:

      • What is a webpage? Describe its basic structure.
      • Why is it important to understand HTML for creating webpages?
    • Understanding HTML:

      • What does HTML stand for? What is its role in web development?
      • List some common HTML tags used for structuring content in a webpage.
    • Creating Headings:

      • How would you create different levels of headings (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>) in HTML?
      • Explain the purpose of headings in a webpage. When would you use each level of heading?
    • Writing Paragraphs:

      • How do you create paragraphs in HTML?
      • Discuss the importance of using paragraphs to organize content on a webpage.
    • Using Lists:

      • Describe the two types of lists commonly used in HTML. How are they different?
      • Create examples of both ordered and unordered lists using HTML tags.
    • Building Your Simple Webpage:

      • Plan a simple webpage layout that includes at least one heading, multiple paragraphs, and both types of lists.
      • Write the HTML code for your webpage structure.
    • Styling Basics (Optional):

      • What is CSS, and how does it complement HTML in web development?
      • How would you add basic styles (like colors or fonts) to your webpage using inline CSS or an external stylesheet?
    • Testing and Validating:

      • Why is it important to test your webpage in different web browsers?
      • How can you validate your HTML code to ensure it follows web standards?
    • Reflection:

      • What challenges did you face while creating your webpage? How did you overcome them?
      • What improvements would you make to your webpage design after completing this exercise?