
Free 500 Word Spanish Dictionary by LB

a = uno, una
about = sobre, acerca de, de
above = encima
across = al otro lado
after = después de
afternoon = de la tarde
again = otra vez, de nuevo
age = edad
ago = hace
all = todos
already = ya
also = además
always = siempre
among = en medio de
an = un
and = y, e
angry = enojado
animal = animal
another = otro, otra
answer = responder
any = cualquier
anyone = cualquiera
anything = cualquier cosa
april = abril
arrive = llegar
as = como
ask = preguntar
at = a, en, de
august = agosto
aunt = tía
away = lejos, fuera
b = b
back = atrás, espalda, de vuelta
bad = mal, malo, mala
bathroom = cuarto de baño
be = ser, estar
beautiful = hermosa
because = porque
become = convertirse
bed = cama
before = antes
begin = empezar, comenzar
behind = detrás
below = abajo
between = entre
big = grande, gran
bird = pájaro
black = negro, negra
blue = azul
boat = barco
book = libro
both = ambos
box = caja
boy = niño, chico
bread = pan
break = romper
breakfast = desayuno
bring = traer, llevar
brother = hermano
build = construir
building = edificio
bus = autobús
busy = ocupado
but = pero
buy = comprar
by = por
c = c
call = llamar
can = poder
car = coche, auto, carro
card = tarjeta
carry = llevar
catch = atrapar
chair = silla
cheese = queso
chicken = pollo
children = niños, niñas
city = ciudad
class = clase
clean = limpiar
close = cerrar
cloud = nube
club = club
cold = frío
college = universidad
color = color
come = venir
cook = cocinar
cool = fresco
country = país
cry = llorar
cup = taza, copa
cut = cortar
d = d
dark = oscuro
daughter = hija
day = día
dear = querida
december = diciembre
desk = escritorio
dictionary = diccionario
different = diferente
dinner = cena
do = hacer, hacer de
dollar = dólar
door = puerta
down = hacia abajo
dozen = docena
draw = dibujar
drink = beber
drive = conducir
during = durante
e = e
each = cada
ear = oreja, oído
early = temprano
easy = fácil
eat = comer
eight = ocho
eighteen = dieciocho
eighteenth = decimoctavo
eighty = ochenta
either = ya sea
eleven = once
eleventh = undécimo
english = inglés
enjoy = disfrutar
enough = suficiente
evening = noche, tarde
ever = alguna vez
every = cada, todo
everyone = todas
everything = todo
excuse = disculpar
eye = ojo
f = f
face = cara
fall = otoño
family = familia
famous = famoso
far = lejos
farm = granja
farther = más lejos
father = padre
fast = rápido, rápida
february = febrero
feel = sentir
feet = pies
few = pocos
fifteen = quince
fifth = quinto
fifty = cincuenta
find = buscar
fine = bien
finish = terminar
first = primero
fish = pescado
five = cinco
floor = piso
flower = flor
fly = volar
food = comida
foot = pie
for = para
forget = olvidar
forty = cuarenta
four = cuatro
fourteen = catorce
fourth = cuarto
friday = viernes
friend = amigo, amiga
from = desde
front = frente
fruit = fruta
g = g
game = juego
garden = jardín
get = conseguir
girl = chica, niña, muchacha
give = dar
glad = alegrarse
glass = vaso, copa
go = ir
good = bueno
goodbye = adiós
great = gran, genial, estupendo
green = verde
ground = suelo
grow = crecer
h = h
hair = pelo, cabello
hamburger = hamburguesa
hand = mano
happy = feliz
hard = difícil
have = tener
he = él, el varón
head = cabeza
hear = escuchar, oír
help = ayudar
her = ella, la, su
here = aquí
hers = su, suya
high = alto
hill = colina
him = él
his = su, suyo
holiday = fiesta, feriado, festivo
home = casa, hogar, casero
hope = esperar, esperanza
hot = caliente, calor
hour = hora
house = casa
how = cómo
hundred = cien
husband = marido
i = yo, me
idea = idea
if = si
important = importante
in = en
interesting = interesante
into = en, a
introduce = presentar
invite = invitar
it = lo, la
j = j
january = enero
job = trabajo
july = julio
june = junio
just = sólo, justo
k = k
keep = mantener
kind = amable
kitchen = cocina
knife = cuchillo
know = saber
l = l
lake = lago
language = idioma
large = grande
last = último
late = tarde
leaf = hoja
learn = aprender
leave = irse
leaves = hojas
left = izquierda
lend = prestar
less = menos
lesson = lección
let = dejar
letter = letra
library = biblioteca
life = vida
light = luz
like = gustar
limit = límite
line = línea
listen = escuchar
little = poco
live = vivir
long = largo
look = mirar
lose = perder
loud = alto/a, fuerte
love = amor
lunch = almuerzo
m = m
make = hacer
man = hombre
many = muchos/as
march = marzo
may = mayo
me = me, mí, yo
meet = conocer
mile = milla
milk = leche
mine = mío
minute = minuto
monday = lunes
money = dinero
month = mes
moon = luna
more = más
morning = mañana, matutino
most = más, la mayoría de
mother = madre
mountain = montaña
mouth = boca
much = mucho
music = música
must = deber, tener que
my = mi
n = n
name = nombre
near = cerca
need = necesitar
never = nunca
new = nuevo
news = noticias
next = siguiente
nice = agradable
night = noche
nine = nueve
nineteen = diecinueve
ninety = noventa
ninth = noveno
no = no, ninguno
noon = mediodía
nose = nariz
not = no
note = nota
notebook = cuaderno
nothing = nada
november = noviembre
now = ahora
o = o
o_clock = en punto
october = octubre
of = de
often = a menudo, con frecuencia, muchas veces
old = viejo, vieja
on = en, sobre
once = una vez
one = uno
only = solo
open = abrir
or = o, u
other = otro/a
our = nuestro/a
ours = nuestros/as
out = fuera
outside = afuera
over = sobre
p = p
paper = papel
park = parque
party = fiesta
pen = bolígrafo
pencil = lápiz
people = gente
picture = foto
place = lugar
plane = avión
play = jugar
please = Por favor
poor = pobre
popular = popular
pretty = bonita
put = poner
q = q
question = pregunta
quick = rápido
quickly = rápidamente
quiet = tranquilo
r = r
rain = llover
read = leer
ready = listo
real = real
really = realmente
red = rojo
remember = recordar
restroom = baño
rice = arroz
rich = rico
ride = viajar
right = derecha
rise = subir
river = río
room = habitación
run = ejecutar
s = s
sad = triste
same = mismo
saturday = sábado
say = decir
school = escuela
sea = mar
season = temporada
second = segundo
see = ver
sell = vender
send = enviar
sentence = oración
september = septiembre
seven = siete
seventeen = diecisiete
seventh = séptimo
seventy = setenta
shall = deber
she = ella
short = corto/a
shout = gritar
show = mostrar
sick = enfermo
side = lado
since = ya que
sing = cantar
sister = hermana
sit = sentarse
six = seis
sixteen = dieciséis
sixth = sexto
sixty = sesenta
sky = cielo
sleep = dormir
slow = lento
slowly = despacio
small = pequeño
smell = oler, olor
smile = sonreír
snow = nevar, nieve
so = tan
some = algunos/as
someone = alguien
something = algo
sometimes = a veces
son = hijo
soon = pronto
sorry = sentirse
speak = hablar
sport = deporte
spring = primavera
stand = levantarse, pararse
star = estrella
start = comenzar, empezar
station = estación
stay = quedarse
still = todavía
stop = detener
store = tienda
story = historia
street = calle
strong = fuerte
student = alumno
study = estudiar
such = tal
summer = verano
sun = sol
sunday = domingo
sure = seguro
swim = nadar
t = t
table = mesa
take = tomar
talk = hablar, conversación
tail = cola
teach = enseñar
teacher = maestro
tell = contar
ten = diez
tenth = décimo
than = que, de
thank = agradecer
thanks = gracias
that = eso
the = el, la
their = sus, su
theirs = de ellos
them = ellos, los, las
then = entonces
there = allí
they = son, ellos/as
think = pensar
thirteen = trece
thirteenth = decimotercero
thirty = treinta
this = este, esto, esta
thousand = mil
three = tres
through = a través de
thursday = jueves
till = hasta
time = tiempo, hora
to = a
today = hoy
together = junto, juntos/as
tomorrow = mañana
too = también
top = cima, top
town = pueblo
train = tren
tree = árbol
try = tratar, probar
tuesday = martes
turn = girar
twelfth = duodécimo
twelve = doce
twenty = veinte
twentieth = vigésimo
two = dos
u = u
uncle = tío
under = bajo
understand = entender, comprender
until = hasta que, hasta
up = arriba, hasta
us = nos, nosotros
use = usar
useful = útil
usually = normalmente
v = v
vacation = vacaciones
very = muy
village = pueblo, aldea
visit = visitar
w = w
wait = esperar, aguardar
walk = caminar
wall = muro
want = querer, desear
warm = calor, cálido
wash = lavar
watch = ver, mirar
water = agua
way = forma
we = nosotros
wednesday = miércoles
week = semana
welcome = bienvenido
well = bien, bueno
what = qué
when = cuando
where = dónde
which = cuál
white = blanco/a
who = quién
whose = de quién
why = Por qué
wife = esposa
will = se, será, querer
win = ganar
wind = viento
window = ventana
winter = invierno
with = con
without = sin
woman = mujer
wonderful = maravilloso/a
word = palabra
work = trabajar
world = mundo
worry = preocuparse
write = escribir
wrong = incorrecto
y = y
yard = patio, yarda
year = año
yellow = amarillo/a
yes =
yesterday = ayer
yet = todavía, aún
you =
young = joven
your = tu
yours = tuyo/a
z = z
zero = cero